
Shine Muscat Butter

It's so delicious! I asked him to buy "fruit butter" because I couldn't get out easily, so I had a student working for Cardi buy it. It's very fruity. I am impressed by the slight refreshing sweetness! I tasted it with everyone in the English conversation class immediately! Good! Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.



2021This is the schedule of the EIKEN in 2009. https://www.eiken.or.jp/s-cbt/info/2021/pdf/20210707_info_scbt.pdf We support passing the Eiken. ?Please take a look at this. https://online.coney.org/ Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.



Hina was born in the classroom. That's the kid of those rubbies. It is very friendly, and when I try to feed it, I fly and express joy with a small body as much as possible. The gesture that can be sweetened with chocon on the hand is really cute~! Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.


hobby English Hobbish Class

Electric guitar and bass guitar have joined for hobby English hobbinglish class. Maybe we can make a band.!Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original content.



I got vegetables from the students! Cucumbers, thins, peppers, mini tomatoes, paprika, shishito, juroku-kou, all look fresh and delicious. Thank you very much for your interaction with such a homey student. Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.


Today's Japanese Class

I looked through the door for an evening Japanese class. Today, I'm practicing "~" ("~" (1003-1888). Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.


Hobbish Class

It rained all day today. It falls well at the end of the rainy season. In the classroom, when I was raining hard with Zanzan, there was a hobbinglish class and I was doing one-on-one lessons on piano and guitar. By the way, one-on-one is called one-on-one in Japanese, but this is Japanese English. One-on-one things in English“one on one” It is called. Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.


Kozakreenko's Hinah

3It is chick of KozaKleinko which was born about 1 week ago. Small grayish emerald feathers wrapped in white fluffy fluff. The beak has a black part of the symbol of a young bird, and it seems that it gradually becomes pink after 2 to 3 months. It goes into the hand completely, it sits, and it sleeps. You will be healed by an innocent face. Hina in English“chick” This refers to any bird baby. “hatchling”refers to a bird that has just hatched from an egg. It is a very young bird. “fledgling”refers to a newborn chickfly. Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.



27I remembered 20 years ago. It's so delicious from a lecturer from Australia.When I ate this Vegemite that was presented for the first time, I decided to taste chocolate and put it on bread and covered it, and my head panicked for a moment. But now I want to eat it once in a while.Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
